Become Bones, the Grim Reaper's Faithful Spirit Sheperd. Gather Spirits and solve puzzles!

This game was made in a week for the New Year New Skills game jam. This is the first game that I have ever made.

My deepest apologies for how janky the gameplay can be with the spirits. I had to do a lot of messing with collisions to get them into the operable state that they are. Jokes on me for apparently choosing a more advanced type of "enemy" movement than I had anticipated. 

My biggest tip is to remember that R resets the level immediately!

Watch out for Level 6, it was my most problematic level, and the best advice I have is to try and be confident in moving the spirits through the spirit walls to try and get it past the spirit walls and avoid crazy collision shenanigans.

Thank you so much for playing!

Thumbnail/Title Screen/Buttons: Halle Robertson
Music: John Bartmann
Bark: Robinhood76
Crystal Chime: LaurenPonder
Block Moving: Stevielematt
Gate Opening: thomasanthony321
Plate Activation: kneekoo
Dog Footsteps: Caap
Digging: szegvari


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Iz good boy!  I love the animation when he digs up the bone.  So cute!  

Yeah! I would have loved to include a system where he trades the bones to a skeleton for ribbons he can wear but had to cut it for time. 

Nice dog sprite and animations

Thank you!! I'm glad you liked them!